Welcome to Clearwater Tax & Accounting Service, LLC
Clearwater Tax & Accounting Service, LLC has been in business for over 35 years
in the same location in Clearwater, MN. This growing company prepares about 1500 tax returns
every year, including individuals, estates, trusts, partnerships, corporations, LLCs and
S-corporations. Clearwater Tax & Accounting Service, LLC has experience and training in the
specialized tax laws for small businesses, farms, daycare providers, clergy, and military
Judy Lashinski, EA and Jacob Borash, EA prepare the returns. There is a knowledgeable
staff up front and on the phone to help with your information requests. Clearwater Tax & Accounting
Service, LLC provides knowledgeable, personal tax and accounting services for a growing community.
Be sure to check our Links, especially our Tax Worksheets which
contains information on the new tax law changes.
We Offer:
- Reasonable Pricing
- Friendly One-To-One Service
- Convenient Locaton
- Free E-filing
Tax Season Hours
Monday - Friday 8:30AM - 5:30PM
Saturday 10:00AM - 2:00PM
Call for hours after April 15th